Outdoor elevators : Guaranteeing the strength of your doors Find out more

Breakdowns are not a fatality : check out our toolbox !

(Episode 1)

Even if, according to the figures of the French Federation of Lifts, the 560 000 lifts that make up the French fleet have an availability rate of 99%, the achievement of this performance is only possible thanks to a very strong involvement of technicians in charge of maintenance and repair work.

Indeed, the work of a convenience store is segmented: on the one hand breakdowns, random, and on the other, control visits, to be performed every month on a hundred devices.

Diagnose “simple” failures

This first step requires a good knowledge of the operation of the different components of the elevator. Once this inventory is done, the elevator is involved among other things on the system of opening and closing doors, or on the electronic card. Finally, he must make sure before leaving the premises that the elevator is in working order.

The restarting of broken appliances is done on average within 4 hours.

Here are some examples of the main causes of inventoried breakdowns:

Failure type 1 :

The cabin remains on the floor, the landing doors and the cabin door remain closed, and the elevator does not start.

Cause :

The floor where the cabin is located certainly has a locking problem on the landing door or, depending on the maneuver, the direction relay requested to a bad contact.

Failure type 2 :

The elevator car is blocked upstairs and the door is open.

Cause :

The reopening cell (if there is one) is out of order or even out of order, one of the stop buttons reopens in the cabin or the landing button has become stuck, or the door collision contact is out of service .

Breakdown type 3 :

The landing doors slam

Cause :

The rubber stops are worn or missing, the swing doors are incorrectly adjusted or the door closers have to be replaced.

Failure type 4 :

The cabin doors slam during operation of the cabin or at the end of opening.

Cause :

The end of closing contacts are out of adjustment.

Failure type 5 :

Swinging doors creak

Cause :

The hinges are poorly adjusted or out of order.


The solutions proposed by Slycma

Image supports eboutique

Our goal as a manufacturer is to give you all the keys that will allow you to optimize your interventions both in their planning and in their implementation, by providing you with the necessary toolbox.

This toolbox consists mainly of our e-shop. Today, this e-shop is available for France, but very soon will be available for European Market.

We have chosen to make available, to begin with, only the parts that are the most popular, for which you do not need to have a dedicated interlocutor.

You will be able :

  •  Identify the doors concerned.
  •  Access the instructions manuals of the e-shop.
  •  Know precisely the lead time.
  •  Choose the place of delivery, taking only your needs into consideration.

You order, we deliver closer to the place where you intervene, at the time that suits you !

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Discover next Tuesday, another of the tools we offer to facilitate the diagnosis of more complex breakdowns