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The Experts at the Engineering Department : Térence and Rémi

Let’s continue our journey through the SLYCMA expert departments. Today, we zoom in on the day of our engineering department experts : Térence and Rémi. They tell you all about their experience, a typical day, tools and software… In addition, discover the interview of Philippe GUILLARD, manager of the department at the end of the article !


I/ The design office team


Experts design office team


As we saw during the support month, the design office is divided into two poles. The “Product Development” department, which includes Térence, Fabrice and Phillipe, and the “Special Affairs” department, which works for Rémi, Charles and Freddy.

Today, an expert from each of these divisions are sharing their day with us ! Let’s go and meet Térence BRANGER, Research and Development Project Engineer and Rémi BOREL, Head of Special Affairs organisation and standardisation.


II/ Térence BRANGER : the product development expert

Terence design office expert


Could you tell us about your background and experience?

As far as my educational background is concerned, after a BAC STI, I was able to join a preparatory school for Technology and Industrial Sciences. This enabled me to specialise in mechanics and electronics and to continue at ECAM where I was trained as a general engineer. My course at the school enabled me to acquire a lot of knowledge but it was my professional experience that enabled me to become an expert in my field. I started working as a project engineer for 3 years before joining SLYCMA in September 2020.



What does your typical day look like ?

What I like in my job is that my days are not the same. My work is organised by project, so I don’t have a daily routine. On the other hand, there is a phase-based routine in the management of the various projects.


What are these phases ?

When the board assigns me a new project, I always start with the creation phase : I collect information and find ideas that will enable me to carry out the project.

Then I proceed to the study phase, which consists of designing in 3D the part or product imagined in the creation phase.

Then comes the drawing for the assembly of the prototype. This assembly enables me to take any corrective action if a problem arises. Once the modifications have been made, all I have to do is make the final drawing of the product.



What types of projects do you carry out ?

I work on several types of projects. I mainly conduct conception or Research & Development projects. But I can also work on mechanical or electronic projects as well as programming projects.


Do you have any tools/software that enable you to carry out these projects?


Of course, I mainly use SolidWorks. It accompanies me in almost all phases of project implementation. It’s the software that allows me to design the product in 3D, as well as to mount it in a fictitious way, to carry out movement simulations and to plan my 3D designs. From time to time, I also use Draftsight, which gives me more freedom than SolidWorks. Finally, like many others, the Office 365 suite is essential for me.


Do you have to work with the “Special Affairs” division ?

It can happen, but it remains rare. Our missions are very different. Rémi will be in a better position than me to tell you about them …


III/ Rémi BOREL, our special affairs expert !


Rémi Expert design office


Could you describe your career path in a few words ?

For my part, I obtained a BTS in industrial tool design and production and entered directly into professional life as an industrial toolmaker. I then joined the SLYCMA design office in 2006 as a draughtsman : I was in charge of technical drawings. I was then given missions as a designer to which were added missions as a project manager, I had the double hat. Almost 15 years after joining SLYCMA, I trained as a project manager, I now hold the position of Head of Organisation and Standardisation of Special Affairs. Thanks to my years of experience, I have been able to reach the level of an expert in my profession.


What does your job involve?

It’s quite wide, I’m in charge of planning special projects, collating orders, standardising them for recurrent special requests. Because of my product knowledge, I also have a technical support role within the company.


What does your typical day look like ?

As soon as I arrive, I check my e-mails. They may contain requests for feasibility studies, special orders to be planned or returns on the assembly of our products both in production and on site. Then I consult my business planning. This enables me to divide the tasks between the members of my team but also to consult the advancement of tasks in process. In the event of lateness, this can have an impact on deadlines. I notify customer service and reorganise the work accordingly … I make communication a point of honour !


Where do specific requests come from ?

They can come from customers via a quote or order request but also from the direction for all that concerns the updating of existing products.


What software and tools are essential for you ?

The Office 365 suite ! Whether it’s for processing e-mails, distributing tasks and monitoring their progress or organising my own tasks, I use it every day. Then, in more technical software, I use SolidWorks. It allows me to carry out the 3D design and drawing of the special cases I treat. Finally, I use SAP to integrate all studies and technical modifications on products into the company’s workflow.


What else do you think makes the SLYCMA design office an expert office ?

Lots of other things ! For example, we can self-test our products thanks to the ISO 9001 Module H certification. But ask Philippe ! He can tell you more about it.


IV/ The interview with the expert Philippe GUILLARD, Director of the design office


Phillipe design office expert


What can you tell us about ISO 9001 Module H certification ?

This certification allows us to validate our products by following a quality procedure. From design through testing to the European market launch of our products. Being Module H certified also allows us to affix the CE number of our notified body.


How can we carry out these tests ?

Thanks to our in-house laboratory. It has been a major SLYCMA tool since its creation in 1972.


What tests are we allowed to carry out ?

Test benches are created to validate each safety component or element that needs to justify its resistance, durability and operation over time. Fire tests, flame or fire protection tests require very specific equipment. They are carried out by Efectis.

Unlocking approval, stress test, impact resistance by hard or soft pendulum, endurance of doors over cycles of one million openings…

These tests allow us to certify the conformity of our doors to the standards and directives in force, but also to determine the frequency of maintenance of our products.
