The lift market in 2025 Find out more

Modernisation ? Repairs ? Renovation kit !

A few words of our history…

Created by SLYCMA more than 20 years ago with the aim of optimising your modernisation and repair work, the landing door renovation kit remains today an essential product in our range. Suitable with more than 70 different door models (a figure that increases every year) we can meet the slightest of your requests !

As a real innovator of this solution, we have the will to accompany you as much as possible while putting our know-how at your service.


The renovation kit

In reality, there is not one but THREE renovation kits. We know that your needs are very varied from one lift to another, that’s why we offer you :

  • A kit to secure the landing door with the replacement of the lock,

before rénovation kit After renovation kit

  • A kit to replace the landing track and keep the panels,

Before renovation kit after renovation kit

  • And a kit to replace the landing track AND replace the panels.

Before renovation kit after renovation kit

The kits give a second breathe to your doors by bringing them all the efficiency, safety and comfort of new technologies.

To give you an idea of the approximate time it will take to assemble this kit, nothing better than a simple infography !

Assembly time renovation kit

The renovation kit for your modernisations

The SLYCMA renovation kits will allow you to bring your lift doors into conformity, to give them back comfort and safety without having to replace them completely.

No more need to buy another complete door, when the panels also need to be changed : the renovation kit is there for that !

Using our renovation kits is above all a way to save time :

  • They are designed to be installed in place of obsolete equipment,
  • Their installation requires fewer staff,
  • They make it possible to reduce or even eliminate additional work such as :
    • asbestos treatment,
    • sealing and caulking of doors,
    • The aesthetic recovery of the landing bays and paintings.

Secondly, a way for your customer to save time :

  • The stopping time of his lift is divided by 2 !

And consequently, a way of saving money :

  • By avoiding all additionnal work.
  • By mobilising fewer resources.


The renovation kit for your repairs

Thanks to the SLYCMA renovation kit, you can maintain doors for which you can have no spare parts anymore. Only change the landing track.

With our renovation kits, you can offer your customers an upgraded solution to make the lift more reliable and restore comfort and safety to the doors. Thus, by removing old parts, your maintenance contract will become more attractive.

Concerning asbestos

Thanks to the renovation kit, you can work on the lift doors without having to intervene on the frame or the building.

No more asbestos removal work with the installation of a closed chamber at each landing and the removal of the parts by a specialised company ! You can therefore replace your lock, track and panels without worrying about the associated requirements.

As we told you, choosing the kit is above all a way of saving time and money on additional work.


Then seduced ? Don’t wait any longer, we’ll give you a quote !