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Our after-sales service has reinvented itself to simplify your requests

We are now continuing this “month of service” with a focus on the services we offer you once the order has been delivered. That is to say, after-sales service and technical assistance.


How to contact the after-sales service ?


We have set out a process for managing your after-sales requests. The After-Sales Service is therefore organised into 4 units :

  • Transport damage
  • Exchange under warranty
  • Missing/Releases
  • Other requests

To contact us, the choice is entirely yours : by phone or by email ! But before you make a choice, here are a few ways to save you time :

By phone


We have developed a brand new, more efficient telephone switchboard that will be operational from January 2021. It will allow you to be redirected to the right person.

All you have to do is call +33(0)4 78 86 81 00 and let us guide you: after choosing “I am a customer”, inform the answering machine that you wish to “contact the after-sales service for a delivered order”. Then simply type in the number corresponding to your theme.


By mail

With the aim of simplifying your requests and saving time and saving time, we have created a unique mailbox for your after-sales service requests :


You just need to fill in the unit you wish to contact in the topic of your email (Transport damage, Exchange under guarantee, Missing/Releases or Other requests).


How is the after-sales service organised ?


Behind each of the proposed topics, you will find a motivated team at your disposal !


Transport damage

Do you have to deal with transport damage ? Jacques CHANAL, in charge of scheduling and dispatch is your man.

What is important when you receive a SLYCMA order is first of all to control it.

If you have any doubts about the condition of a part, do not hesitate to express a reservation on the delivery receipt. This reservation will allow you, in the event that the item is indeed damaged, to return to the carrier by means of a registered letter. Please note ! This must be posted within 48 hours !

If you have the slightest doubt, do not hesitate to contact Jacques as soon as possible by entering “Transport damage” in the topic of your email or by telephone by typing 2 when you are invited to do so.

S.A.V Jacques Chanal


Exchange under warranty

In the case of an exchange under warranty, you just have to contact Cindy MERAUD by e-mail completing the topic  by “Exchange under warranty” or by telephone by typing 3 after having reached the after-sales service. The part will be sent to you as soon as possible.

S.A.V Cindy

On receipt of your parcel, you will find a return slip. As part of our quality approach, we ask you to return the faulty part to us. This will then be studied in order to understand the cause of the problem and to put in place the corrective actions that will allow us to avoid duplicating the same thing.


There are 2 types of missing items:

  • The missing “releases” for which you are informed upon delivery. For this type of missing item, we will send to you as soon as it is back in stock.
  • Missing parts “forgotten”: In this case, contact Amanda AGUIAR-PITA, order manager, by email by entering “Missing” or by phone by typing 3. Her mission : to check where the malfunction is and send you back the missing part(s) as soon as possible.

S.A.V Amanda

Other requests

For any other claim, Stéphane JACQUARD will take care of you ! To contact him you can either type 4 by phone or complete the topic of your email with “Other requests” before explaining your problem in the email.
First of all, he will contact you in order to analyse the situation and provide you with the most appropriate solution.

S.A.V Stéphane


Technical Assistance


How to contact them ?

You can contact our technical support managers in 3 ways :

  • By the switchboard on +33 (0)4 78 86 81 00 indicating that “you are a customer” then that you wish to “access technical support”.
  • By e-mail using their professional e-mail address.
  • And by their professional line : you will be given their contact details just below !

Which missions ?

SLYCMA is pleased to have Yves PHILIPPE and Milad MAALOUF, our technical assistance managers, in its team. They are there to provide you with real assistance during the installation of your doors or during your maintenance operations.
Assistance is initially provided on line, so if this first phase is not enough, don’t panic ! Yves and Milad will come to meet you !

S.A.V Yves Philippe



+33 (0)6 74 97 25 90

+32 (0)4 72 11 07 55 (For Belgium)

Assistance Technique Milad



+33 (0)7 85 79 05 25


Discover the job of technical assistant



Do you need help installing one of our doors ? Are you on site or do you need to contact us outside our office hours ? Go to our website under the “Tutorial” section. There you will find installation tips from Yves and Milad who will be able to help you while you wait to contact us.


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