The lift market in 2025 Find out more

SUPPORT : Let’s talk about Customer Service !

After the Sales and Research Department, it is the Customer Service Department that comes in and completes this process of SLYCMA support. Our team accompanies you from the registration of your order through delivery and even afterwards ! The Customer Service department is involved in post-delivery, thanks to the new organisation of the after-sales service.

Discover the new after-sales service


How does Customer Service support you ?


Registration of the order

When you place an order with our sales staff, it is registered by Amanda for the doors and Cindy for the spare part. When this order is registered, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent within 48 hours. This will include a description of your order and will confirm the price and delivery time.

Once the order has been registered, Customer Service will continue to assist you. Do you have any questions ? The slightest doubt ? Contact Cindy and Amanda !

contact details Amanda and Cindy Costumers Service


The start of production

A.S.S Jacques Chanal


The registration of an order automatically starts the procurement. Once all the parts have been received, Jacques launches the production orders in our workshop. The order therefore goes to manufacturing according to a schedule based on the overall workload. Jacques will then take care of the shipment of your order, of which you will be informed by email.



What about special deals?

We saw it last week, without the Design Office, the creation of your 5-legged sheep would be impossible. When you request a quotation for a special project, a feasibility study is carried out by the Design Office. When you place an order for this project, Customer Service records it before sending it back to the ” Customised Services ” department. This department will then process the part lists and specifics of the request in order to draw up its instructions. Once the instructions have been communicated, Karine and Jacques will be able to start the procurement and then the manufacturing process.

Once again, you will be informed by email of the shipment of your order.

Don’t forget : any doubt, any question ? Our team will accompany you by e-mail or phone !

Contact details Jacques and Karine Costumer Service


When does the customer service support stop ?


The answer is simple : NEVER ! We’ve talked about order entry, manufacturing and shipping, but this service goes further than that ! For all your post-delivery requests, our team is divided into 4 divisions. We have also centralised your requests with a single e-mail address and a single phone number. We’ve already talked about this but a little reminder never hurts.

Our after-sales service has reinvented itself to simplify your requests

How to contact after sales service

How to contact the After-Sales Service ?