The lift market in 2025 Find out more

Our essential tool, the test laboratory !

A know-how regarding testing.

For more than 40 years, Slycma designs and manufactures its own products. Since the creation of the company, we carry out all relevant stress and endurance tests on our doors developed by our design-office. Our know-how allows us to approve all our realizations.

In order to do this, we settled, 40 years ago, a test laboratory which subjects every door to hard tests. An essential tool used on every product either standard or custom before they are made available on the market. This tool is, for us, the ultimate way to verify the compliance of our products, whether it is in terms of resistance, endurance, noise emission as well as locking systems. We are ISO 9001 and MODULE H certified which allow us to market products with the peace of mind that they are compliant to standards and safe for those who will rely on and use them.

A laboratory dedicated to testing

Our experts use several means to carry out various tests.

First of all, they carry out dimensional measurement test to ensure running clearances. Then, they use Charpy impact test with a 10 to 45 kg soft or hard pendulum. They also carry out a dynamic resistance test using the measurement of distortion in case of pressure on leaves.

The door endurance is also tested using mannequins supporting landing doors and the lift cars associated to control the wear on components. The endurance tests are carried out on several million manoeuvres to provide impeccable results !

Noise emission measurement tests are also run to reduce noise pollution.

The safety above all !

Une porte d’ascenseur doit garantir la sécurité des usagers, passagers et intervenants, il est donc essentiel de réaliser tous ces tests permettant de valider leur conformité.

Autant de tests qui nous permettent de commercialiser nos composants et portes standard et sur-mesure en toute sérénité !

A lift door has to guarantee the safety of the users, the passengers and the protagonists. It is thus essential to carry out all these tests allowing to validate compliance.

As many tests which allow us allow us to market our components and standard or custom doors products with the peace of mind.