Outdoor elevators : Guaranteeing the strength of your doors Find out more

The experts in production : Discover our Fantastic Six !

After the sales department and the design office, it’s the production experts’ turn to tell you about their typical day… Car doors,  swing doors, articulated sliding doors, landing doors and renovation kits. Discover our manufacturing processes !


An expert workshop


Equipe experts production


For SLYCMA, our workshop is a great pride !  An average of nearly 20 years of experience, sharing, a constant transfer of knowledge , and an ability to make tailor-made lift doors, On average, one in three orders processed by our production experts is a special project.

Our assembly workshop is made up of independent units creating autonomous production lines which ensure smooth and optimised order progress. Your lift doors pass through the expert hands of our production team from sub-assembly to shipment.

All the people working on these lines have a great knowledge of lift door manufacturing technology are ready to teach the new staff who are joining us every year. Our production technicians are multi-skilled, and we make sure that they are trained on all jobs so that they acquire maximum skills and expertise for the manufacturing of your SLYCMA doors.
SLYCMA is a team of men and women who are there for you and who provide personalized care for each of your orders.

Today, 6 of our experts have agreed to share their typical day with you !


Discover the workshop in video


Nathalie, sub-assembly expert


Nathalie experte production


How many people work on this unit and what parts of the production line do you carry out ?


The “sub-assemblies” unit is the one with the most people, we are 6. The different tasks are distributed among the team members but overall, we take care of the assemblies, whether they are electrical, mechanical for locks, bolts or cables. We also take care of the packing.


What is your mission ? What is your typical day like ?


I am in charge of assembling the cables and preparing the trolleys that supply other unit in the workshop such as car doors and landing doors. SSLYCMA offers tailor-made and bespoke products, so I work on request and don’t really have a typical day. Each trolley I prepare is different because of the type of door, of course, but also from order to order. Any two Plycab subassemblies are not similar. This is even more true for the renovation kits !


How do you control the quality of your assemblies ?


Everything is checked ! The parts are tested before they are assembled,I carry out visual and manual checks. Depending on the post sub-assembly occupied, there are several ways to check these assemblies. For example, locks and EN 81-21 are machine tested, skates require manual verification and a “I put I tick” system has been introduced at the packing stage to avoid missing parts.



Arnaud, expert in car doors


Arnauld expert production


What is the mission of the “Car doors” unit ?


Our mission, Claire and I, is to assemble the operators and to load the programs into the Ariane and SD01 control boards. The new SD02 board should arrive soon.


SLYCMA car doors to modernise


Do you have a specific daily routine ?


I always start my day with a good coffee ! More seriously, according to the orders and the associated plans provided by the design office, I take care of the assembly of the operator, then I load the program into the board and proceed to the test on the assembled operator before it is packed and shipped.


How does the loading of a program in a card happen ?


We have a procedure of 35 precise steps to respect and several programs depending on the order. Once the program is loaded, we integrate a line of code that will allow us to define the direction of the motor. We then test the operator on a slow and then fast opening/closing cycle. If the test is successful, the operator leaves for shipping.


You say that your work depends on orders, what variables can you observe from one door to another ?


Everything is adaptable. The programming of the cards may differ from one car door to another. Doors are not necessarily installed in the same way if they are intended to unlock a swing or an automatic landing door. The same is true for the type of work to be carried out, a door for a modernization, repair or creation job will not have the same characteristics from one order to another.


Another door, another expert : Jabeur’s day


Jabeur expert production


What is your mission ?


My job is to mount the sheet metal and glass panels for Plycab doors.


According to you, what are the specificities of the Plycab doors ?


Plycab doors have a wide range of finishes, so they require great care and cannot be mass produced. Each order is different and the working methods are not the same depending on the dimensions and finishes required.


What differences do you observe in the assembly process between the different orders ?


In the case of a door with standard dimensions, it is the assembly process that will depend on the materials used. The assembly of glass leaves requires, for example, a silicone bonding which allows to preserve the aesthetics of the door, whereas sheet metal panels are riveted. In addition, for glazed panels, the spacer must be prepared.


What other types of doors are manufactured in the workshop ?


We manufacture car doors, swing doors, hinged sliding doors and landing doors.


Swing doors : Samir explains it all !


samir expert production


What can you tell us about the SLYCMA swing doors ?


SLYCMA swing doors are the doors with the most adaptable features and finishes. The customer can choose the size of the door, whether he wants a glass vision panel or not, what size. He can also define the lock setting or whether he wants one or two panels. The customer can choose between different types of stainless steel and colors for the door panels, handles and frame, as well as between different types of glass for the glass vision panel.
Of course, we can adapt the door to the type of site on which it will be installed, whether it is for repair, modernization or creation in a new or existing building.


How do you proceed to the assembly of these doors ?


Laurent, the warehouse keeper, supplies us with the uprights and the sub-assembly unit also supplies us with locks and other parts. Then, according to the production requirements, we install the lock and the door closer arm. In most of the orders for swing doors, the customers request the installation of a glass vision panel. We also take care of fitting this. And of course, we also install the safety devices on the doors.


Discover the finishes of our swing doors


Are other units in charge of the complete assembly of the doors ?


Yes, there is Serge at the sliding hinged doors. He’s right next area !


Serge : expert in the assembly of sliding hinged doors



serge expert production


What are hinged sliding doors ?


Articulated sliding doors are designed for the industrial, car or food sectors. On this type of door, there are no panels but several panels which guarantee a high resistance and allow to save space. This door has been designed by SLYCMA. Since 1976, we have been able to upgrade it and today we are still the only ones to manufacture it.

Samir explained to us that you were in charge of the complete assembly of the sliding hinged doors, how do your days go ?


I don’t have a particular ritual. The assembly of sliding hinged doors could be a long process as they are complex doors. When I arrive, I pick up where I left off the day before. For manual doors, I fit the panels and install the lock. For automatic doors, I also do the wiring and programming of the opening.
I have a multi-skilled job, I may also have to work on the car doors with Arnaud and Claire.


What developments have you seen on these hinged sliding doors called PAC ?


About 5 years ago, we introduced the simultaneous opening PACs for sale, I think this is the biggest evolution we can point out. In addition, since 1976, safety standards have evolved and so have our hinged sliding doors. For example, to bring the PAC up to standard, we added a cable that acts on the clutch so that the motor can be stopped in the event of a problem during installation : this guarantees the safety of lift technicians.

Samir explained to us that you were in charge of the complete assembly of the articulated hinged sliding doors, what difference in production do you observe between the different types of PAC ?


The assembly of a manual door differs from that of automatic or simultaneous opening doors at the electrical level since it does not require the installation of a motor.

Mechanically, there are differences between automatic and simultaneous opening PAC. First of all, the number of motors : two for automatic doors versus one for simultaneous openings. In addition, the PAC with simultaneous opening requires more parts, cables and pulleys compared to an automatic door.

Once the assembly is completed, I proceed to the manual tests for the manual PACs and for the others, I turn them on. This allows me to verify that the clutch is working properly, as well as the motor. I also make sure that the product meets the customer’s needs, that the program is the right one and that the door opens in the right direction.

Then, I go on to pack, integrate the parts needed by the customer for the installation of the door and send it for shipping.



Thierry : expert workshop technician


According to the team, you are the longest experienced member of the workshop, can you tell us about your career at SLYCMA ?


Indeed, I joined the SLYCMA adventure 33 years ago. I have worked in all the different units in the production workshop. Today, at the “Landing doors” unit, I am in charge of the assembly of automatic landing doors as well as renovation kits.


How do the renovation kits work ?


Renovation kits allow you to partially renovate your elevator doors, without having to worry about the additional work. You can choose to replace only the lock, the complete mechanism or the mechanism and the leaves.



Learn more about the kits